# Resources

When there are resources that will be used repeatedly, or ones that are mentioned in class but that are not already in the notes, they will be added to this list.

Do NOT rely on W3Schools for accurate information.

Be careful about information from StackOverflow. Some is excellent but some is really out of date.

The LearnJavaScript sub-reddit (opens new window) is a good place to ask and answer questions.

  1. Mozilla Developer Network MDN (opens new window)
  2. Node JS website (opens new window)
  3. NPM website (opens new window)
  4. VS Code download site (opens new window)
  5. Steve Griffith's YouTube Channel (opens new window)
  6. Stack Overflow (opens new window)
  7. Reddit Learn JavaScript SubReddit (opens new window)
  8. Apache Cordova Docs (opens new window)
  9. Lynda.com => LinkedIn Learning (opens new window)
  10. Brad Travesy Traversy Media YouTube (opens new window)
  11. Free Code Camp YouTube Channel (opens new window)
  12. Programming with Mosh YouTube Channel (opens new window)
  13. Thomas Bradley YouTube Channel (opens new window) - Teaches in the AC Graphic Design program.
  14. Wes Bos YouTube Channel (opens new window) - Canadian Web Developer
  15. Android Studio (opens new window)
  16. Eloquent JS (opens new window) by Marijn Haverbeke
  17. You Don't Know JS (opens new window) by Kyle Simpson
  18. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (opens new window) Info about the latest developments in JS.
  19. AirBnb JavaScript Style Guide (opens new window)
  20. Google JavaScript Style Guide (opens new window)
  21. CoderByte JS Challenge Exercises (opens new window)
  22. Edabit JS Challenge Exercises (opens new window)
  23. Web Training Center JS Exercises (opens new window)
  24. Exercism JS Practice Exercises (opens new window)
  25. JS for Impatient Developers e-Book (opens new window)
  26. JS for Cats eBook (opens new window)
  27. Git Cheatsheet (opens new window)
  28. Free Developer Resources (opens new window)
  29. Download and Reference for Git (opens new window)
  30. GitHub website (opens new window)
  31. picsum.photos placeholder images (opens new window)
  32. Unsplash placeholder images (opens new window)
  33. How to get the GitHub Educational Resource Pack (opens new window)
Last Updated: 8/15/2021, 9:22:49 AM