Assignment 6

Banners With Variables

Create a banner with different alignment & size options using CSS variables and modifier classes.

# Instructions

In your deliverables repository, create a 06-banner-variables folder within the assignments folder.

Create a .banner class that applies basic banner styles. Use CSS Variables for the banner height, vertical alignment, horizontal alignment, and text alignment. The base banner should look like this:

Basic banner base styles

Create the modifier classes listed below. These classes should change only the CSS Variables. The modifiers should also be able to work together and not cause conflicts. For example: adding the .banner--large, .banner--bottom, and .banner--right classes should create a larger banner height with the content on the bottom right side.

You can view screenshots of the different banners here (opens new window).

# Styling

Make sure to include the CSS Reset and audit previous deliverables for reusable styles!

  • Modifier classes: .banner--large, .banner--bottom, .banner--top, .banner--center, .banner--right
  • Colors
    • Brand Secondary: #36BF7F
  • Font: Roboto, sans-serif
  • Content width: 35em
  • Type scale: re-use scales from Assignment 04 - Type Hierarchy

# Submission

Submit this assignment by pushing your code to your mad9013-deliverables repository with the commit message Complete 06-banner-variables assignment.

Last Updated: 8/27/2023, 5:22:04 PM